Wednesday, January 27, 2016

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or

What I Believe:

I believe in Jehovah God who created the whirling galaxies, the birds soaring in the sky overhead, the endless crashing waves and all that dances within them. I believe in Father of all who knits together life, made in His very own image, in the secret quiet of our beings.

I believe in Jesus Christ, the One with no earthly Father, with the dust of this earth between His toes, and with our names etched onto the palm of His hands, right beneath the nail scars…Who now sits at the Father’s right hand making endless intercession on our behalf. I believe in the stone rolled away, in the Body being raised, in the first fruits of the dead…and us all following soon, very soon.

I believe in the Cross as our only Hope, our only Claim, our only Savior, and our only Foundation. I believe that in the pounding surf of life we have only one thing to cling to: the feet of our Lord Jesus, hanging on that tree, His lifeblood flowing down, washing us whiter than snow. It’s all by His staggering grace, lest any man should boast.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, moving, whispering, indwelling our very being. I believe in living by the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, and producing fruit in the Spirit…in the Spirit who helps us in our weakness with groanings that can’t be expressed in words.

I believe in the infallibility of the Bible, God’s Word – a sure Word, a pure Word, the only secure Word. I believe the words on those pages are breathed from the very throne room of heaven, are the love letter penned from the heart of God; a beacon of light for stumbling feet to find sure footing on a dark path.

I believe there is more than believing. There is living what I believe.

Thus this journal.

~Ann Voskamp


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Leta Benefiel
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Lucy Brooks
Muriel Burns - heart surgery
Gail Ehler - pain level improving
Michael Gagliardi - dizzy spells
LaReign Hodges - needs wounds to heal
Betty Hyta 
Phyllis Johnson
Mike Kunkle
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Dave Metzler - knee problems
Ruth Sixtone-Wells - continual cold
Carol Smoke - continue to pray for energy
Bob Vouga
Serena Williams - back pain severe

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or


Regardless of what is causing my worry, God has given me some tools to combat it and trust Him with the end results.

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” {Matthew 6:26-27}

We are valuable to God.

God is stable and consistent and trustworthy and faithful through it all. He always has been and always will be. He values us more that the birds of the air, more than all creation. He loves us deeply and cares for us greatly.

“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.” {Matthew 6:31-32}

Our needs are known by Him.

I’m learning to rest in the truth that God knows my needs intimately. He knows them better than I know them. He’s known them before they even existed.

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” {Matthew 6:33}

Seek first His Kingdom.

Everything of this world is temporary. It really is but a vapor. The things of God are eternal. When I set my gaze on Christ and cultivating closeness with Him, all else fades away. The things we focus on are the things that get our affection and attention. I always want my affection and attention to stay on the Lord. I’m sure you do as well.

When He is our goal and soul’s desire, He steps in and does a work in our lives. He sees that our hearts are pure. Then He can bring blessing, favor, and provision into our lives.

We don’t have to succumb to doubt.

We don’t have to be ruled by fear.

We just have to have confidence in the One whose name is HOPE.


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Leta Benefiel
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Lucy Brooks
Gail Ehler - pain level improving
LaReign Hodges -- needs strength
Betty Hyta
Phyllis Johnson
Mike Kunkle
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Walter Rohm
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Bob Vouga
Serena Williams - back pain severe

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or

2016 - Promises

Every new year holds new promise, new potential.

But if all the Januaries prior are any indicator, then all the promises and resolutions we make become fertile soil for disappointment in their wake. Yes, we’ll make good on some. But we’ll fall short on others. There’s only One who can and will and already has fulfilled every promise He ever made.

“None of the good promises the LORD had made to the house of Israel failed. Everything was fulfilled.” {Joshua 21:45}

If God said it, He will come through on it.

God alone can be counted on, even as we count each day. For He is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow too. God stands by His Word because He is the Word.

So as I think about all the things I want to accomplish this new year, I pause to give thanks to the One who has already fulfilled every promise He made, not only to the Israelites in the past, but to all of His children today.

And what better way to begin a new year than to give thanks and pray?

Excerpts from Denise J. Hughes


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Lucy Brooks
Gail Ehler - pain level improving
LaReign Hodges -- needs strength
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Chris Marlow
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Bob Vouga
Serena Williams - back pain severe