Tuesday, December 22, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.


Yes. Such a simple word. Just three little letters.

Yes. A simple word that can change everything.

I have always been so in awe of Mary’s “yes.” By her humble obedience to trust in what God was asking. What faithfulness. And this wasn’t just some simple request. This wasn’t just some small favor. He was asking for her complete trust. He was asking for her all.

She said yes to the call God had for her life. She embraced His plan and said yes to be part of God’s mission on earth.

I don’t know . . . if I were in her sandals, I probably would have been like, “What? Umm, just a minute here. I have a lot of questions!”

Her beautiful and humble response . . let it be.

And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” {Luke 1:38}

Wow. That is just so inspiring and encouraging to me. I want to respond to His call with the same willingness that Mary had!

It can be too easy to to come up with excuses or brush things off as being unimportant. But God can do anything with anyone who is willing. He is our strength.

We need to remember the truth is that even one person can change history with one yes.

God is at work right now. His plan in our lives is happening right this very moment. We are part of God’s mission here on earth. We just need to be open to God and put our trust in Him.

Say yes everyday.

We need to let God work in us. Let God work through us. Let Him use us as He needs. No questioning all the details. We don’t need to understand everything. We don’t need to see what He is doing with our lives to know we are part of His plan. No list of excuses. No doubting. No thinking we aren’t important enough to make a difference.

Yes. Yes to His call. Yes the whole way through.

Yes with our weaknesses and flaws. Yes with all the bumps and frustrations that might come along. Yes. Let it be.

Will you say yes to His call? Will you say it again and again?


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Lucy Brooks
Gail Ehler - pain level is still an issue
LaReign Hodges 
Allen Hurst
Betty Hyta
Mary Ireland
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Chris Marlow
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Bob Vouga
Serena Williams

Thera Breteweg just informed us that her dear husband Bob, passed away Nov. 30th. There will be a memorial service for him on January 4th, here at Desert Springs. More information to follow. They were married 39 years. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.

Peace is not the absence of storms. Peace is the presence of God.
Friend, behold your Father, in the storm. He is racing you toward shore, and sitting with you, in the rain. He is your peace, when the sky is falling.

You’ll remember a story about another boat, caught in another storm. Once upon a time, Jesus and His friends were on the water. A raging storm dropped from the sky while Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples cried out: “Don’t you care that we’re going to drown?” Jesus got up and spoke to the waves:
“‘Peace! Be still!’ And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” {Mark 4:39}

Today, some of you are under the darkening surprise of a storm. Maybe it’s less of a storm, and more of a relentless drizzle, leaving you chilled to the core. It might feel as if Jesus is asleep on the job. But take heart, Jesus is awake, alive in you. Call out to Him, and listen for His voice, speaking to the storm inside of you.
His words have the power to rebuke storms. And when you dare not look to the menacing skies, afraid of what you’ll see, look at the feet of your Father, kneeling beside you.

Peace, he says. Be still.

Thera Breteweg just informed us that her dear husband Bob, passed away Nov. 30th. There will be a memorial service for him on January 4th, here at Desert Springs. More information to follow. They were married 39 years. 


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Lucy Brooks
Gail Ehler - pain level is still an issue
LaReign Hodges 
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Serena Williams

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.

DO NOT BE AFRAID.  Today while over 900 Los Angeles Schools were closed because of a "viable threat" it's hard to NOT be afraid. 


It doesn’t matter what fear the world’s selling. The only Story that matters keeps repeating it: Do Not Be Afraid.

Do not be afraid of the unknown when you know the One who does the impossible.

Do not be afraid of what could fail when His arms are stronger than any failure & He cannot fail or let you fall.

And do not be afraid of any evil because greater is He who is in the depths of you and breathing the wild courage to love right into your bones.

Do not be afraid to see the face of God in the dark where you did not expect Him.

Do not ever be afraid of suffering because suffering can birth a greater resurrection. Do not be afraid of laying your life down in a thousand ways because this is the only way to ever rise.

Do not be afraid to pack nothing and only pick up your Cross.

"Whoever wants to save his life will lose it.  But whoever loses his life for MY sake will find it." Mathew 16:25

Excerpts from Ann Voskamp


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Lucy Brooks
Gail Ehler - pain level is still an issue
LaReign Hodges 
Betty Hyta
Mary Ireland
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Chris Marlow
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Serena Williams

Missions Request:

We have received some very heartbreaking news from Heidi & Daniel, the founders and directors of Open Arms Childcare Ministry in La Mision, Baja California Mexico.

In 2014, our mission team helped to build a duplex home for Cindy (whose husband had just been killed by a drunk driver), her daughter Brisa (now 5) and baby Alvaro (now 2). The other part of the duplex was for Rafael (Cindy’s brother) and his three sons, Jesus (now 11), Robert (now 10) and Osbaldo (now 7) and their new step-mom Gladys (now 18) to live in.  Gladys watched the kids, while Cindy & Rafael worked, and she helped us often during the build. On the 2015 mission project, we installed a power line to their home so they could have electricity!  They were using a line from their neighbors, because they could not afford to put a line in and only had electricity a few hours a night. 

The children, as far as we understand, and the moms have given their lives to Jesus but Rafael was still running from Christ. Now, sadly he is in the hospital with 2 types of rare aggressive cancer, he is very ill and unless God touches Rafael he will not live.  His children do not yet know this. Our first request for each of you is to PRAY, pray that Rafael will turn to God and no matter what happens have a sense of peace that passes all understanding knowing he will have eternal life.  Daniel & Heidi are visiting, praying and sharing God’s love and salvation message with him.

Our second request is to ask, if at all possible, to give a financial gift to this family.  We want to be sure they have money for food, and daily necessities.  Gladys will have to look for work in the future, and the children can remain with Open Arms, so they are safe, fed and learning each day about how much God loves them.  But for now, they need help. 

Please pray for Rafael and entire family and if you feel led to give financially, drop a check (made out to Open Arms Childcare Ministry) to me at the church office and we will get it to them.  We will be sure that Daniel & Heidi hold the money in their account and give it to Gladys as needed.  Thank you, my heart is heavy for these families and I know the Lord put them in our lives for a reason.
Below is Heidi’s reply to our email to her a few days ago:

“Sorry for the delay on responding. Thank you so much for wanting to help this family. Our hearts are broken over the situation, too- we know your group was very involved and invested in this family, so we can imagine you're also experiencing some of the heartbreak. 

If you would like to make a donation, we would gladly purchase food and make sure they have what they need. Rafael is the main source of income for the family, so any kind of donation would go a long way for them. As far as Christmas commitments go, we have our big Christmas party on Saturday and the kids will receive plenty of gifts that day (shoes, clothes, books, toys, etc.) so that is not a huge need. However, the family will be in need of the basics such as food, filling the propane tank, gas in the car, etc. If you feel led, we think it'd be great to have a fund prepared for them so that when they need these things we can quickly provide them. 

Thank you so much for your care and concern and prayers. We are believing God in this. Please continue to pray with us.

Love and blessings, Heidi”
Thank you all for taking time now and praying about how you can help.

Serving Together,
      Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17

“But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” I John 3:17-18

Monday, November 30, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.

As the Christmas Season begins I thought this blog below would help remind us all what matters...

“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you.
I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.” John 14:27

Into Our Midst . . .

With lights twinkling and sleigh bells jingling, the sights and sounds of Christmas are here.

It’s a special time of year. Trees sparkle in living room corners. Garlands glisten across fireplace mantles. Candles flicker on Advent wreaths.

Most Christmas traditions include gift-giving of some sort too. Perhaps your family opens presents on Christmas Eve. Or maybe your family waits until Christmas morning.

Our traditions may vary, but we enjoy giving gifts to our loved ones because it’s a way of remembering the greatest Gift ever given to us — Jesus Christ, wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.

Jesus came. He came to give us joy and hope and peace.

Best of all, He came to give us eternal life in His presence. Jesus doesn’t give as the world gives either. His gifts can never be returned to a store. They can’t ever be taken back.

God’s gifts are eternal because He is eternal.

He is our joy.
He is our hope.
He is our peace.

As we enter this Christmas season — undoubtedly with lots of things on our to-do lists — let’s remember to invite the Giver into our midst, each and every moment.

For He is the reason we celebrate. Because He is Who we celebrate.

by Denise J. Hughes


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Darlene Atkinson
Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Gail Ehler
LaReign Hodges & son, Stephen
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Gordon Richardson
Mike Sassi
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Serena Williams

Monday, November 23, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. I f you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.


“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever.”

A Time to Gather and Remember . . .

‘Tis the week for giving thanks.

For turkey drizzled with cranberry sauce.
For sweet potatoes covered with marshmallows.
For pumpkin pie piled high with whipped cream.

‘Tis the week for making room.

For mismatched chairs sitting close to the table’s edge.
For china plates making their annual appearance.
For linen napkins arranged just so.

‘Tis the week for gathering close.

For grandparents coming over.
For college students returning home.
For cousins congregating together.

‘Tis the week for remembering God’s gifts.

For seeing His hand of provision.
For voicing the gratitude in our hearts.
For naming the wonder of each blessing.

Thanksgiving is a time to gather and remember. He is good when times are good, and He is good when times are not. He is good when our Thanksgiving dinner looks like a Norman Rockwell painting, and He is good when our Thanksgiving dinner doesn’t even come close.

God is good no matter what season we find ourselves in. His love cannot be measured for however much good or ill we see today. God’s love is measured by the sacrifice He’s already made. We have been reconciled unto Him. And that has made all difference. So I will give thanks.

blog by Denise J. Hughes


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Darlene Atkinson
Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Karl Brinkman
LaReign Hodges
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Gordon Richardson
Mike Sassi
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Serena Williams

Monday, November 9, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. I f you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.

“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” John 16:24

Sounds like an ironclad guarantee to me.

Our speech is often filled with wishy-washy words like maybe and sometimes and might. But the Lord speaks with authority and power: “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20) and “my words will never pass away (Luke 21:33) and “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). My italics, helping us all get the picture.

Gives me goosebumps. The Lord is that sure. Consider what He says here.

“Until now…” John 16:24 “So far” (GW), says the Lord, or “Hitherto” (ASV), for the English majors among us. Fact is, “You haven’t done this before” (NLT). What haven’t we done? “…you have not asked for anything in my name.” John 16:24

This means more than adding “in Jesus’ name” at the end of our prayers. The Greek word onomati not only means “name,” it also means, “character, fame, reputation, authority.” He means in His name and all that it represents.Jesus wants us to ask for things that glorify His name, proclaim His name, shine a spotlight on His name.

I’m fairly certain the things I’ve prayed for lately don’t qualify. They’re all about me or the people I love. Honestly? Focusing on Jesus doesn’t even factor in.
Please, Lord, ease my brother’s pain.
Please, Lord, provide a new job for my son.
Please, Lord, help me finish this book.

These aren’t bad prayers. Not at all. God is simply calling us to go deeper. To seek after the heart of His Son and listen to what He wants for us (not from us). When our requests are all about honoring Him, we can be very sure of His response. “Ask and you will receive,…” John 16:24 -  Not perhaps. Not might. You will receive.

“…and your joy will be complete.” John 16:24
Ahhh. Joy at last. Jesus guarantees us “the fullest joy possible” (ERV), like “a river overflowing its banks!” (MSG). The kind of “abundant joy” (NLT) that makes us “completely happy” (GW). This is the kind of deep joy, delight, and gladness that comes from knowing Christ and putting Him first. It’s a complete joy, a perfect joy, a joy that never goes away. A joy based not on what we get, but on Who we bless.

Lord Jesus, You have shown us the path to joy. Now help us walk in it, keeping our eyes on You. Give us the courage to ask according to Your will, in Your name, and for Your fame. This sacred season and always, we’re giving thanks for You.


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Darlene Atkinson
Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Karl Brinkman
LaReign Hodges
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Gordon Richardson
Mike Sassi
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Serena Williams

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. 

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35

A Life of Love . . .

Jesus rose from the table, where He had just eaten the Passover meal with friends, and He removed His outer garment. He took a towel and tied it around His waist. Then He poured water into a basin and began to do the work of a lowly servant.

Jesus bent low, before each of the men who had spent three years following Him, and He washed their grimy feet. Jesus knew He had only a few hours left. He knew the cross awaited Him in the morning. So He used this time to impart His last words, while demonstrating the truth of the what He spoke.

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

As Jesus uttered these words, He illustrated its core meaning. Love is more than warm feeling. It’s an act of selflessness.

Today, the word disciple has become somewhat antiquated. A disciple is a student — a serious student, learning a specific field or trade.

A disciple of Christ is a student of Him and His ways.

To be a disciple of Christ, we practice spiritual disciplines. But here again, the word discipline means something different than what we typically think of. In this usage, discipline doesn’t mean punishment, it means practice.

The spiritual disciplines are spiritual practices.

Through the discipline of studying God’s Word, we learn more about Him as we fill our minds and hearts with His truth.

Through the discipline of prayer, we invite the Holy Spirit to move in our lives as God’s desires become our desires.

We can practice many spiritual disciplines — solitude, gratitude, simplicity, giving, serving — all of which lead us closer to the heart of God.

If these practices become a law, however, something we must check off our to-do list, then these practices can lead to legalism, which leads to death. Yet, if these practices become a time of purpose-filled joy, something we learn to love doing because it draws us closer to God, then these practices will lead to a life of love.

A life in Christ is exemplified by a life of love.

To be a disciple of Christ means that we bend low, just as Jesus once did, and we serve others with a heart filled with His love.

blog by Denise J. Hughes

Missions Update: International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church - Nov. 1 & 8

November 1 & 8, believers around the world are taking time to remember and pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted.

322 Christians are killed for their faith
214 churches & Christian properties are destroyed
772 forms of violence are committed against Christians

For more information:


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Bill & Muriel Beers
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Karl Brinkman
LaReign Hodges
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Serena Williams

Thursday, October 29, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. 

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.

Missions Update: International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church - Nov. 1 & 8

November 1 & 8, believers around the world are taking time to remember and pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted.

322 Christians are killed for their faith
214 churches & Christian properties are destroyed
772 forms of violence are committed against Christians

For more information:


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - in rehabilitation
Bill & Muriel Beers
Hugh & Lily Boyd
LaReign Hodges
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Serena Williams


Each of us is better because of the others. God purposefully created each of us with special insights and giftedness. He made each of us uniquely individual, but with a need for community. Despite our many differences, we have common ground.

Each of us is made in the image of God.

Each of us has needs — body and soul.

Each of us has talents and gifts.

Each of us has joys and fears.

Each of us is broken and flawed.

Each of us has hopes and dreams.

Each of us wants to love and be loved.

Each of us is known by God.

We are not meant to be alone. We need each other. When we work together, our gifts complement each other and God is glorified. No one is better than another. I look forward to working and serving together!
1 Corinthians 12:15-20

“Now if the foot should say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. And if the ear should say, ‘Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,’ it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.”

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. 

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.

Sometimes we confuse “finding God’s perfect will for our lives” with just being available right where we are.  Our vocation, our spiritual gifts, our creative outlets, our day to day choices are all ultimately acts of worship. I pen those words, but I need to re-read them to myself.

My day to day monotony equals worship? I want those words to soak deep into my soul and breathe life into this very moment. I know my calling and worth aren’t defined by salary or positions or popularity, yet at varying times in my life, in my mundane moments of sameness, it’s hard not to wonder what I’ve missed.

And then I hear Mordecai reminding Esther,”For such a time as this,” and it fires me up. The Lord has called, equipped, and appointed us to do amazing things right where we are, in whatever role we work or serve.

I’ve been convicted over and over that I need to stop guessing and waiting and wondering what the next big thing is because often the elusive “thing” that matters most is for us to dive in right where we are planted. God shows up repeatedly when I decide to “be all in” regardless of how I feel about my circumstances at the moment.

If you were called to create, then do so right now because the Master Artist breathed beauty and life into this world canvas Himself and it’s a reflection of his glory.

If you were called to make oatmeal for toddlers, it’s not just another meal; you are nourishing the next generation of world changers.

If you are called to keep books and file papers, know that God is the master organizer. He created order and you are fulfilling a sacred calling which helps elevate those around you.

We are in God’s will when we are doing what He called us to do at this very moment.

It looks different for all of us; it may be in the classroom, at home, in the workplace, or in full time ministry. No job or gifting or calling is greater than another when you are in His will.

The nameless Samaritan woman who repented at the well was just as much in God’s will as Queen Esther when she saved the Jewish people and ultimately an entire nation.

The young boy who shared his five loaves and two fish was just as much in God’s will as a rich man who would give everything he had to the Lord.

Jesus was just as much in God’s will when He was a carpenter as He was hanging on the cross!

Never doubt your incredible value.

You are worthy! You are needed! You are already amazing!

Stop waiting, stop wondering and be all in right where you are.

Shared by the girl who loves making ordinary moments extraordinary: Jen of Balancing Beauty and Bedlam.


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. 
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - in rehabilitation
Bill & Muriel Beers
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Janet Hellman
LaReign Hodges
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Walter Rohm
Carol Smoke - pray for energy

Missions Update: International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church - Nov. 1 & 8

November 1 & 8, believers around the world are taking time to remember and pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted.

322 Christians are killed for their faith
214 churches & Christian properties are destroyed
772 forms of violence are committed against Christians

For more information:

Monday, October 12, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. 

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

With Us and for Us . . .

I came across this passage in Isaiah, where God says He is with us and for us. He is our God. And He will strengthen us. Help us. And uphold us.

For twenty-five years now, I’ve known these words to be true.

When we seek Him with all of our heart, we find Him, and when He’s with us, He’s also for us, and Fear has no place in us.

I can’t say that I’ve never had a moment of fear since. But I can say that Fear must flee in God’s holy presence. God doesn’t promise to make our lives easy and carefree, but He does promise to be with us every single step of the way.

He is with us, friends. You can count on it. He will never leave us, and never forsake us. He will love us through whatever circumstance we face.

And then one day, we will see Him face to face . . . and spend eternity in the light of His presence.

by Denise J. Hughes


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. 
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Darlene Atkinson
Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - in rehabilitation
Irene Buonarigo - at home now!
Bill & Muriel Beers
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Janet Hellman
LaReign Hodges
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Walter Rohm
Mike Sassi
Carol Smoke - pray for energy

Missions Update: OpenDoors - Pray with the Persecuted


Christian persecution is any hostility experienced from the world as a result of one's identification as a Christian. Beatings, physical torture, confinement, isolation, rape, severe punishment, imprisonment, slavery, discrimination in education and employment, and even death are just a few examples of the persecution they experience on a daily basis.

According to The Pew Research Center, over 75% of the world's population lives in areas with severe religious restrictions (and many of these people are Christians). Also, according to the United States Department of State, Christians in more than 60 countries face persecution from their governments or surrounding neighbors simply because of their belief in Jesus Christ.


The year was 1955. A young Dutchman was burdened with the desire to reach out to Christians in Eastern Europe, where Christianity was becoming more and more illegal. He took his first trip to visit Christians in Poland, and was amazed at what he saw: Entire underground churches with only one Bible to share!

Brother Andrew knew he had to do something. Two years later, he arrived at the same border in a VW Bug filled with Bibles. He knew that if he was caught with the Bibles, he would be arrested, so he prayed: "Lord- In Your Word, You made blind men see. Now, I am praying that you would make seeing eyes blind." And God answered his prayer!

Brother Andrew was able to deliver Bibles and training materials to Christians in Eastern Europe, allowing Christians to freely read God's Word in those countries.

Today, Open Doors - the ministry started by Brother Andrew- has expanded to strengthen persecuted Christians in over 60 countries!


When Open Doors was started by Brother Andrew in 1955, he felt a calling from God to minister to fellow Christians who were persecuted for their faith. As a result, Open Doors has specialized in helping Christians who are persecuted for their faith. However, we work with persecuted Christians to reach out to non-Christians, even their persecutors, so that they can reach them with the message of Christ.


We are part of the Body of Christ; a people to people people
We are persecuted church driven
We are people of the Bible
We are people of prayer
We live and work by faith
We are devoted to Jesus Christ and His commission
We are motivated solely for the glory of God

Monday, October 5, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. 

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.


So many decisions. With potentially long-lasting implications.

Most of the time, however, it’s not a major life change we’re staring at; rather, our days are filled with small everyday choices. None of which may seem crucial at the moment. But every small choice we make leads us to the next choice available.

So whether a decision is big or small, wisdom is always desired.

And the one place we can always turn to for wisdom is God’s Word.

In Psalm 119, we’re told that God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet. We may not know everything that lies ahead, but we can know which direction to take because His Word lights our path. And when God’s Word lights our path, we can trust the direction we’re moving in.

"For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding."
Proverbs 2:6


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. 
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Darlene Atkinson
Beverly Baughn                                 
Irene Buonarigo
Bill & Muriel Beers
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Janet Hellman
LaReign Hodges
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo
Walter Rohm
Mike Sassi
Carol Smoke 

Evangeline Byrnes St.Clair, our very own precious sister and missionary to the Philippines, has sent an update on her time at New Life UTAP Bible Church in Tacloban. 

"We appreciate God's and your faithfulness. We are thanking Jesus for the joy we experience and with the new believer's lives. His blessings are upon us, with you.  In His wisdom we have inner strength to continue sharing His love and the Holy Spirit is equipping us."  

Please keep Evangeline in your prayers, she needs continued health, financial support and strength to endure long, hard days. They are continuing to feed the hungry, do prison ministry, children and women's ministries and rebuild the compound after the 2013 typhoon destroyed so much.   

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Monday, September 28, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. 

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.


I remembered something a pastor once taught about the difference between conviction and condemnation.

He explained that condemnation sweeps across our thoughts with generalized statements: You’re such a failure. You’re so hypocritical. You can never be counted on!

That is the accuser. His tone is condemning, questioning, and confusing. His accusations lead to guilt and shame.

In contrast, the Holy Spirit’s conviction will be specific. He will reveal a sinful action or attitude along with instruction on what needs to be done to right our wrong, whether it’s restoring a relationship or returning something that isn’t ours. The Holy Spirit will give us the steps we need to take to change our attitude or behavior.

Instead of an accusing lie: “You’re such a failure!” the Holy Spirit might say, “You were really critical the way you talked to So-and-so. You need to say you’re sorry and ask for forgiveness. Then say something to build them up instead of tearing them down.”

Instead of a condemning label: “You’re so hypocritical!” The Holy Spirit might say, “You judge others for gossiping, but you’re doing the same thing when you talk about your neighbor at work. Apologize for what you said today, and share a few things that are positive about her.”

Instead of shaming words: “You can never be counted on!” The Holy Spirit might say, “You didn’t keep your promise to go visit your mom. Call her to say you’re sorry, and ask her out to lunch this weekend.”

Satan condemns us to make us feel guilty, but God convicts us to lead our hearts to repentance.

God uses conviction to draw us out of destructive behavior that hinders our relationship with Him and others, and to lead us away from a condemning place of sin so that we can live in the freedom of His forgiveness and grace.

So the next time we blow it, or lose our peace and patience right there in the middle of our kitchen, or office, or 5 o’clock traffic, let’s ask God to help us refute the accusing lies of condemnation and follow His lead toward restoration.

Blog by Renee Swope


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. 
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Darlene Atkinson
Bill & Muriel Beers
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Nancy DeVries - Praises, doing so well!
Dick Folkers
LaReign Hodges
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo
Doreen Riordan's daughter
Walter Rohm
Mike Sassi
Carol Smoke 
Charlie & Sylvia Walter's nephew - Praises, back to normal!
Sharon Warner's daughter

MISSIONS UPDATE Guinea Bissau, West Africa Missionary, Brenda (Gilli) Gilfillen

We were honored to have Gilli sharing her heart for Guinea Bissau this last Sunday.  In case you were not able to attend, here is a summary of her prayer requests:
  • Cooperation between the President & Prime Minister of Guinea Bissau; for continual peace in government.
  • More foreign and Guinean workers for the Bethsaida Medical Clinic. 
  • Remodel for the Dental Lab; for better efficiency and function.
  • Support for their faithful missions worker, Bedam, to attend Dental College. It will cost him $500 per month.
  • Prayer and Praises for Mustafa (another faithful servant) who is attending the YWAM Malaria Diagnosis School program in Senegal.

John 14:13-14  “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.”