If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or lkeener@desertspringsfamily.org.
On April 7th Art Tuverson went to his home in heaven. A memorial service in his honor will be held THIS Saturday, May 30th, 12 noon at Desert Springs Community Church. In lieu of flowers please make a donation in honor of Arthur's memory to The Living Desert in Palm Desert or to the Lucy Curci Cancer Center in Rancho Mirage. The service is open to all Desert Springs Church family. Please join us as we CELEBRATE Art's life and all she meant to us.
Lily Boyd * Beverly Baughn * Phil Drehmer's brother, Richard
LaReign Hodges * Mike Kunkle * Walter Rohm
Carol Smoke * Washburn's son, Steven * Virgil Webb
When we see a need of someone and we ask if we can help them, we show them they are seen and known by us and a loving Father.
Asking shows someone God’s design for authentic community.
The early church had it right. They loved each other so well. They sacrificed for those who were in need. They gave, and when they had nothing left, they gave some more.
“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.” {Acts 4:32-35}
We could learn a lesson from the early church. I don’t often think about the things that I could go without so that someone might have. The very core of serving is that nothing belongs to us. We are only stewards of what belongs to God . . . our time, our gifts, our skills, our resources. We should hold them loosely in order for Him to bless and minister to the broken around us.
So whether you are the one asking or the one being asked, it is all an offering to the Lord.
It is in these times, when I know He sees me. And I know He knows me. And I know He loves me.
He sees you.
He knows you.
And He loves you.
Lily Boyd * Beverly Baughn * Phil Drehmer's brother, Richard
LaReign Hodges * Mike Kunkle * Walter Rohm
Carol Smoke * Washburn's son, Steven * Virgil Webb
Carol Smoke * Washburn's son, Steven * Virgil Webb
When we see a need of someone and we ask if we can help them, we show them they are seen and known by us and a loving Father.
Asking shows someone God’s design for authentic community.
The early church had it right. They loved each other so well. They sacrificed for those who were in need. They gave, and when they had nothing left, they gave some more.
“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.” {Acts 4:32-35}
We could learn a lesson from the early church. I don’t often think about the things that I could go without so that someone might have. The very core of serving is that nothing belongs to us. We are only stewards of what belongs to God . . . our time, our gifts, our skills, our resources. We should hold them loosely in order for Him to bless and minister to the broken around us.
So whether you are the one asking or the one being asked, it is all an offering to the Lord.
It is in these times, when I know He sees me. And I know He knows me. And I know He loves me.
He sees you.
He knows you.
And He loves you.
We are finally back home in Hunters, Washington after over three months in Africa and a month on the road here in the USA.
Pr. Tony is alive and doing very well. He returned with a whole new vision for the Mission. He says he can cover the work in Africa and we should spend most of our time in the USA raising funds. It has become clear to us that John can no longer spend much time there as the dust stirs up his asthma. What a blessing our clean air is! Also, the work has grown to such an extent that Servants to Missions has to expand to handle it all. Pr. Tony is wanting us to recruit and assist missionaries beyond just the two of us.
There is a great work to be done in these last hours. PTL! We are seeing an increased outpouring of the Holy Spirit! It is really exciting! Here are some examples:
An outreach team going to the southern part of the Gabu Region had people coming in from miles around to give their lives over to Jesus, having first heard the gospel several years ago from Fred and Cindy Wieger who had served in that area. The team members kept saying, "We just sat there and watched God work. We didn't do anything."
Three months ago an outreach team was traveling in the Bafata Region of GB. They stopped along the way to find a bathroom. They asked a man for directions to the next village. He asked why they were going there and was told they were going there to preach the Word of God. He responded, “Why don’t you preach to me? “ So they did. He accepted Jesus, they gave him a Bible and went on their way. Three months later the team was again traveling and stopped to see what had happened to the man. They found him leading a group of 20 believing families, all of whom he had led to the Lord, meeting on a regular basis for worship and Bible teaching. They didn't have a church building but they had a Bible and a cleared space under a mango tree to meet. However, the man's wife was unhappy. Apparently, he kept his Bible with him all the time and wouldn't share it with her.......so the team gave her a Bible too.
Last year we helped Barros, a Christian teacher who lost his vision due to cataracts, get eye surgery. His church then sent him to a community to teach. He now has 70 students during the day and 80 people in a church after just one year. He is not a trained Pastor so he needs to keep in close contact with his supervising pastor who is based over 100 kilometers away. Please pray for a much needed and deserved motor cycle for Professor Barros so that he can get the ongoing supervision he needs to shepherd his new flock.
Last year we helped Barros, a Christian teacher who lost his vision due to cataracts, get eye surgery. His church then sent him to a community to teach. He now has 70 students during the day and 80 people in a church after just one year. He is not a trained Pastor so he needs to keep in close contact with his supervising pastor who is based over 100 kilometers away. Please pray for a much needed and deserved motor cycle for Professor Barros so that he can get the ongoing supervision he needs to shepherd his new flock.
A team just returning from the Easter Region had several people wanting to be baptized. Unfortunately, being the dry season, they couldn't fine sufficient water. In other parts of the country, baptisms have gone from 3 to 12 to 25 at a time.
Last year, the little church we attend there averaged about 50 people each Sunday. Now they are running 200 +. (See photo of early church)
Please keep praying for a continued and greater move of the Holy Spirit.
Our friend from up North contacted us. He is fine but busy keeping his head down as are his brothers and sisters. They are in hiding as others are actively searching for them. Please pray for their safety and for all those in the persecuted church. Better yet, pray for the salvation of their persecutors. God loves them too and "we war not against flesh and blood...."
Pastor Tony's vision is to bring people in to the Bible School not only from Guinea Bissau but from other regions of Africa to train them safely on the Jericho Base and then, when trained and equipped, send them back out. Please pray for the funds to drill a well for good clean water and a dormitory to house these new students. (we already have the extra land)
The women's sewing group is going great. I am so proud of them. They walk with a new sense of pride and purpose. More women are wanting to join so there is now two groups; beginners and advanced. My veranda was filled most every afternoon with singing and laughter and the chatter of their foot peddled machines. They have now moved to the Jericho base where they have their own classroom and can set up their equipment permanently and safely store their supplies. (see photos) Please pray for someone to assist with exporting and selling their products.
PTL! The guest house should be completed by June. The roof went on in just two days. (see photo)
If anything can go wrong, it will. Here's where we are in the ongoing saga of the radio station. (which Satan really, really hates) The radio parts have been ready to go for some time but the shipper did not know how to get them there as the air freight contract for Guinea Bissau was with an airline that no longer flies there. Getting things changed has taken over two months. Now the equipment is at JFK awaiting the next stage in it's journey. Please pray for the safe arrival of the radio equipment and the HCJB specialist who will install it, an easy time through customs, protection from future electrical storms, and anything else that Satan can dream up .
Your Sister in Christ,
Rachel Hiskey
Servants to Missions
(new home address)
P.0. Box 178
Hunters, WA
Please keep praying for a continued and greater move of the Holy Spirit.
Our friend from up North contacted us. He is fine but busy keeping his head down as are his brothers and sisters. They are in hiding as others are actively searching for them. Please pray for their safety and for all those in the persecuted church. Better yet, pray for the salvation of their persecutors. God loves them too and "we war not against flesh and blood...."
Pastor Tony's vision is to bring people in to the Bible School not only from Guinea Bissau but from other regions of Africa to train them safely on the Jericho Base and then, when trained and equipped, send them back out. Please pray for the funds to drill a well for good clean water and a dormitory to house these new students. (we already have the extra land)
The women's sewing group is going great. I am so proud of them. They walk with a new sense of pride and purpose. More women are wanting to join so there is now two groups; beginners and advanced. My veranda was filled most every afternoon with singing and laughter and the chatter of their foot peddled machines. They have now moved to the Jericho base where they have their own classroom and can set up their equipment permanently and safely store their supplies. (see photos) Please pray for someone to assist with exporting and selling their products.
PTL! The guest house should be completed by June. The roof went on in just two days. (see photo)
If anything can go wrong, it will. Here's where we are in the ongoing saga of the radio station. (which Satan really, really hates) The radio parts have been ready to go for some time but the shipper did not know how to get them there as the air freight contract for Guinea Bissau was with an airline that no longer flies there. Getting things changed has taken over two months. Now the equipment is at JFK awaiting the next stage in it's journey. Please pray for the safe arrival of the radio equipment and the HCJB specialist who will install it, an easy time through customs, protection from future electrical storms, and anything else that Satan can dream up .
Your Sister in Christ,
Rachel Hiskey
Servants to Missions
(new home address)
P.0. Box 178
Hunters, WA