Monday, November 30, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or

As the Christmas Season begins I thought this blog below would help remind us all what matters...

“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you.
I do not give to you as the world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful.” John 14:27

Into Our Midst . . .

With lights twinkling and sleigh bells jingling, the sights and sounds of Christmas are here.

It’s a special time of year. Trees sparkle in living room corners. Garlands glisten across fireplace mantles. Candles flicker on Advent wreaths.

Most Christmas traditions include gift-giving of some sort too. Perhaps your family opens presents on Christmas Eve. Or maybe your family waits until Christmas morning.

Our traditions may vary, but we enjoy giving gifts to our loved ones because it’s a way of remembering the greatest Gift ever given to us — Jesus Christ, wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.

Jesus came. He came to give us joy and hope and peace.

Best of all, He came to give us eternal life in His presence. Jesus doesn’t give as the world gives either. His gifts can never be returned to a store. They can’t ever be taken back.

God’s gifts are eternal because He is eternal.

He is our joy.
He is our hope.
He is our peace.

As we enter this Christmas season — undoubtedly with lots of things on our to-do lists — let’s remember to invite the Giver into our midst, each and every moment.

For He is the reason we celebrate. Because He is Who we celebrate.

by Denise J. Hughes


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Darlene Atkinson
Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Gail Ehler
LaReign Hodges & son, Stephen
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Gordon Richardson
Mike Sassi
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Serena Williams

Monday, November 23, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. I f you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or


“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever.”

A Time to Gather and Remember . . .

‘Tis the week for giving thanks.

For turkey drizzled with cranberry sauce.
For sweet potatoes covered with marshmallows.
For pumpkin pie piled high with whipped cream.

‘Tis the week for making room.

For mismatched chairs sitting close to the table’s edge.
For china plates making their annual appearance.
For linen napkins arranged just so.

‘Tis the week for gathering close.

For grandparents coming over.
For college students returning home.
For cousins congregating together.

‘Tis the week for remembering God’s gifts.

For seeing His hand of provision.
For voicing the gratitude in our hearts.
For naming the wonder of each blessing.

Thanksgiving is a time to gather and remember. He is good when times are good, and He is good when times are not. He is good when our Thanksgiving dinner looks like a Norman Rockwell painting, and He is good when our Thanksgiving dinner doesn’t even come close.

God is good no matter what season we find ourselves in. His love cannot be measured for however much good or ill we see today. God’s love is measured by the sacrifice He’s already made. We have been reconciled unto Him. And that has made all difference. So I will give thanks.

blog by Denise J. Hughes


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Darlene Atkinson
Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Karl Brinkman
LaReign Hodges
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Gordon Richardson
Mike Sassi
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Serena Williams

Monday, November 9, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. I f you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or

“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” John 16:24

Sounds like an ironclad guarantee to me.

Our speech is often filled with wishy-washy words like maybe and sometimes and might. But the Lord speaks with authority and power: “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20) and “my words will never pass away (Luke 21:33) and “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). My italics, helping us all get the picture.

Gives me goosebumps. The Lord is that sure. Consider what He says here.

“Until now…” John 16:24 “So far” (GW), says the Lord, or “Hitherto” (ASV), for the English majors among us. Fact is, “You haven’t done this before” (NLT). What haven’t we done? “…you have not asked for anything in my name.” John 16:24

This means more than adding “in Jesus’ name” at the end of our prayers. The Greek word onomati not only means “name,” it also means, “character, fame, reputation, authority.” He means in His name and all that it represents.Jesus wants us to ask for things that glorify His name, proclaim His name, shine a spotlight on His name.

I’m fairly certain the things I’ve prayed for lately don’t qualify. They’re all about me or the people I love. Honestly? Focusing on Jesus doesn’t even factor in.
Please, Lord, ease my brother’s pain.
Please, Lord, provide a new job for my son.
Please, Lord, help me finish this book.

These aren’t bad prayers. Not at all. God is simply calling us to go deeper. To seek after the heart of His Son and listen to what He wants for us (not from us). When our requests are all about honoring Him, we can be very sure of His response. “Ask and you will receive,…” John 16:24 -  Not perhaps. Not might. You will receive.

“…and your joy will be complete.” John 16:24
Ahhh. Joy at last. Jesus guarantees us “the fullest joy possible” (ERV), like “a river overflowing its banks!” (MSG). The kind of “abundant joy” (NLT) that makes us “completely happy” (GW). This is the kind of deep joy, delight, and gladness that comes from knowing Christ and putting Him first. It’s a complete joy, a perfect joy, a joy that never goes away. A joy based not on what we get, but on Who we bless.

Lord Jesus, You have shown us the path to joy. Now help us walk in it, keeping our eyes on You. Give us the courage to ask according to Your will, in Your name, and for Your fame. This sacred season and always, we’re giving thanks for You.


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Darlene Atkinson
Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Karl Brinkman
LaReign Hodges
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Gordon Richardson
Mike Sassi
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Serena Williams

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

FAMILY LIFE at Desert Springs - a place where we can share the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening. 

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by contacting me, Laura Keener, Frontline Director at Desert Springs....760-568-3646 or

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35

A Life of Love . . .

Jesus rose from the table, where He had just eaten the Passover meal with friends, and He removed His outer garment. He took a towel and tied it around His waist. Then He poured water into a basin and began to do the work of a lowly servant.

Jesus bent low, before each of the men who had spent three years following Him, and He washed their grimy feet. Jesus knew He had only a few hours left. He knew the cross awaited Him in the morning. So He used this time to impart His last words, while demonstrating the truth of the what He spoke.

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

As Jesus uttered these words, He illustrated its core meaning. Love is more than warm feeling. It’s an act of selflessness.

Today, the word disciple has become somewhat antiquated. A disciple is a student — a serious student, learning a specific field or trade.

A disciple of Christ is a student of Him and His ways.

To be a disciple of Christ, we practice spiritual disciplines. But here again, the word discipline means something different than what we typically think of. In this usage, discipline doesn’t mean punishment, it means practice.

The spiritual disciplines are spiritual practices.

Through the discipline of studying God’s Word, we learn more about Him as we fill our minds and hearts with His truth.

Through the discipline of prayer, we invite the Holy Spirit to move in our lives as God’s desires become our desires.

We can practice many spiritual disciplines — solitude, gratitude, simplicity, giving, serving — all of which lead us closer to the heart of God.

If these practices become a law, however, something we must check off our to-do list, then these practices can lead to legalism, which leads to death. Yet, if these practices become a time of purpose-filled joy, something we learn to love doing because it draws us closer to God, then these practices will lead to a life of love.

A life in Christ is exemplified by a life of love.

To be a disciple of Christ means that we bend low, just as Jesus once did, and we serve others with a heart filled with His love.

blog by Denise J. Hughes

Missions Update: International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church - Nov. 1 & 8

November 1 & 8, believers around the world are taking time to remember and pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted.

322 Christians are killed for their faith
214 churches & Christian properties are destroyed
772 forms of violence are committed against Christians

For more information:


Health, Wisdom, Strength

And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Beverly Baughn - strength improving  
Mona Bills - strength improving
Bill & Muriel Beers
Hugh & Lily Boyd
Karl Brinkman
LaReign Hodges
Betty Hyta
Patty Marillo - prayers for strength
Carol Smoke - pray for energy
Serena Williams