Monday, July 29, 2013

Family Life at Desert Springs

FAMILY LIFE - sharing the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening and how you can provide support by extending the love, comfort and compassion of Jesus!

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by clicking on the link below or contacting Laura Keener, Frontline Director at 760-568-3646.

We Give Thanks...
Lynn Whitaker's stent procedures are done and he is feeling great, no chest pain. Praise God!

High School kids had a wonderful, blessed time at Forest Home camp last week.  Many lives touched and on fire for our Lord! Thanks for your prayers.

We Pray for Health, Healing & Recovery...

Diane DeVore
Kal Huebscher                                                              
Verle Kellstrom
Karen Ross
Jim & Carol Smoke's grandson Seth
Ray Tidd 

Pray for our Jr. High Students
Keep our students, counselors and Pastor Ben in your prayers this week as they are away at camp at Forest Home.  We pray the Lord will touch each life in a special way, empowering them for His work!

We Are Family....
Please lift up Sharon Warner as she leaves for a two week medical missions trip to Huacho, Peru.  Pray for health and safety and for people to have open hearts as they hear about the Lord.

Continue to pray for Evangeline St. Clair doing missionary work in the Philippines and Jim & Annie Leonovich who are doing missionary work in the Ukraine!  We pray the Lord will use all of them to disciple many and bring glory to God through their work.    

Monday, July 22, 2013

Family Life at Desert Springs

FAMILY LIFE - sharing the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening and how you can provide support by extending the love, comfort and compassion of Jesus!

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by clicking on the link below or contacting Laura Keener, Frontline Director at 760-568-3646.

We Give Thanks...
Lynn Whitakers stent procedures are done and he is feeling great, no chest pain. Praise God!

High School kids had a wonderful, blessed time at Forest Home camp last week.  Many lives touched and on fire for our Lord! Thanks for your prayers.

We Pray for Health, Healing & Recovery...
Bill Brandow's mother  
Dina Cassidy
Diane DeVore
Trish Hruby's daughter Judy
Kal Huebscher
Karen Ross
Jim & Carol Smoke's grandson Seth
Ray Tidd 

Pray for our Jr. High Students
Keep our students, counselors and Pastor Ben in your prayers this week as they are away at camp at Forest Home.  We pray the Lord will touch each life in a special way, empowering them for His work!

Mexico Orphanage Outreach!
Here are a few pictures from our trip to the Orphanage and of the homes being built for those in need in La Mision. 
Some of the beautiful dorm rooms for the 120 children at the orphanage.
 The new house built for a family of 5 who were living in 1 small room in their grandfather's home.
 Julie blowing bubbles with my husband Fred...or Fredrico as she called him!
 It took everything I had not to bring this baby home with me!
 Here's an example of the home a family lived in prior to new home below!
The team who built 4 homes in two weeks...all from a church in Iowa!  They have done this for 12 years straight and we loved getting to know them.

We Are Family....
Wishing all of you who are on vacation and travelling a wonderful, restful time away.  It' s been hot and humid here in the desert...counting the days until Fall already!  

Continue to pray for Evangeline St. Clair doing missionary work in the Philippines and Jim & Annie Leonovich who are doing missionary work in the Ukraine!  We pray the Lord will use all of them to disciple many and bring glory to God through their work.    

Monday, July 15, 2013

Family Life at Desert Springs

FAMILY LIFE - sharing the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening and how you can provide support by extending the love, comfort and compassion of Jesus!

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by clicking on the link below or contacting Laura Keener, Frontline Director at 760-568-3646.

We Give Thanks...
Pastor Mark and his family are back from a time of rest and family time! We are so thankful they were able to get away and be refreshed.  

We Pray for Health, Healing & Recovery...
Bill Brandow's mother  
JoAnn Hassett  
Lynn Hernandez's mother 
Kal Huebscher
Karen Ross
Ray Tidd 

Community Outreach!
We are committed to feeding the homeless in 1000 Palms area EVERY THURSDAY with the Narrow Door Ministry!  Let me know when you can help, let's do what we are commanded to do - feed the hungry.  

Mexico Orphanage Outreach!
Here are a few pictures from our trip to the Orphanage and of the homes being built for those in need in La Mision. 
Some of the beautiful dorm rooms for the 120 children at the orphanage.
 The new house built for a family of 5 who were living in 1 small room in their grandfather's home.
 Julie blowing bubbles with my husband Fred...or Fredrico as she called him!
 It took everything I had not to bring this baby home with me!
 Here's an example of the home a family lived in prior to new home below!
The team who built 4 homes in two weeks...all from a church in Iowa!  They have done this for 12 years straight and we loved getting to know them.

We Are Family....
The Donovans have asked for prayer for one of  their extended family in the loss of their 13 year old son Dawyson. Just yesterday the Donovan's daughter lost her father-in-law of an unexpected heart attack.  This family needs comfort and peace that can only come from our Heavenly Father. 

Continue to pray for Evangeline St. Clair doing missionary work in the Philippines and add Jim & Annie Leonovich who are doing missionary work in the Ukraine!  We pray the Lord will use all of them to disciple many and bring glory to God through their work.    

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Family Life at Desert Springs

FAMILY LIFE - sharing the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening and how you can provide support by extending the love, comfort and compassion of Jesus!

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by clicking on the link below or contacting Laura Keener, Frontline Director at 760-568-3646.

A New Community Outreach!
This Thursday Jim & Lora Marullo are preparing the boxed dinners for the homeless in 1000 Palms! We have committed to sponsor that night EVERY WEEK with the Narrow Door Ministry!  Let me know when you can help, let's do what we are commanded to do - feed the hungry. Thank you Jim & Lora!

One Last Time....We Thank You!
Fred & I had a wonderful, safe, inspiring trip to the Door of Faith Orphanage in La Mision, Mexico two weeks ago.  We're starting to confirm details for a June 2014 trip for our church family to participate in! Serving at the orphanage, building homes for families in great need, feeding the homeless and worshiping with fellow believers in a local church will be a life changing experience.  Blessings!  Laura Keener

We Give Thanks...
Kal Huebscher is home recovering well from a small stroke.  We are lifting him up in prayer for a full and speedy recovery!

We Pray for Health, Healing & Recovery...
Bill Brandow's mother
JoAnn Hassett
Kal Huebscher
Karen Ross
Ray Tidd

We Are Family....
Nanci Kovak's mother, Beverly passed away recently and we share in her loss.  The knowledge of knowing for SURE that they will meet again in heaven gives us peace and comfort. 

Don't forget to be praying for Evangeline St. Clair as she is doing missionary work in the Philippines.   

A devoted couple in our church are still in desperate need of a car.  Our Pacesetter's class are helping by raising funds to help purchase a car for them but if you have an extra car or know of a neighbor or friend that have a car to donate contact Laura Keener. (

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Family Life at Desert Springs

FAMILY LIFE - sharing the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening and how you can provide support by extending the love, comfort and compassion of Jesus!

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by clicking on the link below or contacting Laura Keener, Frontline Director at 760-568-3646.

New Community Outreach!
Every Thursday we are going to prepare and deliver boxed dinners for some of the homeless that live in 1000 Palms (Monterey & Varner area) just 10 minutes from our church! We have committed to sponsor that night with the Narrow Door Ministry!  Let me know when you can help, let's do what we are commanded to do - feed the hungry.

We Thank You...
Fred & I had a wonderful, safe, inspiring trip to the Door of Faith Orphanage in La Mision, Mexico (just 40 minutes south of San Diego) last week.  We're so excited to begin planning all details for a June 2014 trip for our church family to participate in! We will be serving at the orphanage, building homes for families in great need, feeding the homeless and worshiping with fellow believers in a local church.  Blessings!  Laura Keener

We Give Thanks...
Leonard Shanks knee replacement surgery was a great success, he is now working on rehabilitation. Len and his wife are new family members of our church and said they miss not being here on Sundays!

We Pray for Health, Healing & Recovery...
JoAnn Hassett
Robin Ott
Karen Ross

We are a family....
Please remember Evangeline St. Clair in your prayers as she is doing missionary work in the Philippines.  Her husband Michael is home now but Evangeline remains until November.

A devoted couple in our church are in desperate need of a car.
Our Pacesetter's class are raising funds to help purchase a car for them!  If you would like to help see Laura Keener. Or, if you have an extra car or know of a neighbor or friend that have a car that can be donated, pray about it and contact Laura Keener ( for details.