Monday, July 29, 2013

Family Life at Desert Springs

FAMILY LIFE - sharing the heart of our church family; prayers, praises and important announcements.  Be sure to check-in often to see what is happening and how you can provide support by extending the love, comfort and compassion of Jesus!

If you have a prayer request or praise, please submit by clicking on the link below or contacting Laura Keener, Frontline Director at 760-568-3646.

We Give Thanks...
Lynn Whitaker's stent procedures are done and he is feeling great, no chest pain. Praise God!

High School kids had a wonderful, blessed time at Forest Home camp last week.  Many lives touched and on fire for our Lord! Thanks for your prayers.

We Pray for Health, Healing & Recovery...

Diane DeVore
Kal Huebscher                                                              
Verle Kellstrom
Karen Ross
Jim & Carol Smoke's grandson Seth
Ray Tidd 

Pray for our Jr. High Students
Keep our students, counselors and Pastor Ben in your prayers this week as they are away at camp at Forest Home.  We pray the Lord will touch each life in a special way, empowering them for His work!

We Are Family....
Please lift up Sharon Warner as she leaves for a two week medical missions trip to Huacho, Peru.  Pray for health and safety and for people to have open hearts as they hear about the Lord.

Continue to pray for Evangeline St. Clair doing missionary work in the Philippines and Jim & Annie Leonovich who are doing missionary work in the Ukraine!  We pray the Lord will use all of them to disciple many and bring glory to God through their work.    


  1. Please pray for our mom, Verle who suffering with health issues and needs strength.
    Eddie & Lynn

  2. Prayer for our friends for God's guidance and solutions.

  3. Pray small spot on La Reign's right lung is scar tissue for her last cancer surgery and not a new issue.

  4. Special prayers for Jim & Carol Smoke's grandson Seth who is suffering with 2nd degree burns and lung inhalation issues.
    Laura Keener
